In order to book an appointment, you will need to first preview the calendar you created here on the front-end. Within the calendar you will have a similar display to the screenshot below:

In the above illustration, the dates with a background are the dates that are available for bookings. No bookings can be made on Sunday in the above screenshot illustration.

To proceed with making a booking, click on a date available for bookings and you will have various timeslots rendered for the calendar as seen below:

Next, click on your desired timeslot and on the event popup rendered, fill in your Name, Email and any event details you wish to add on the Description field. Below is a screenshot on this:

Once done, click on the “Schedule Event” button to submit the event. Once this is done, you will have a popup rendered notifying you that you have successfully submitted the event. Below is a sample screenshot on this:

With this done, you should now be in a position to view the event/booking within your Google calendar.