A very flexible feature of Simple Calendar is the ability to tweak appearances of your events, to present your readers the informaiton they care most.

To manipulate how your event will look like in your calendar, you can actually use the WordPress content editor to add your markup or use special tags provided by Simple Calendar to display event information.

This works similarly to WordPress shortcodes. For example, to display the event title just add the tag [title] to your content. Some tags support content in between, for example [link]See more details[/link] to show a link pointing to the event details.

Also, some tags have attributes to tweak their output. For example [description html="yes"] will allow html content in description.

This is a list of the available tags to output specific parts of an event:

Tag usageOutputOptional attributes
[title]The event title.html="yes" to parse html
limit="10" use any number to truncate the title by a number of words
[description]The event description.html="yes" to parse html
markdown="yes" to parse markdown content
limit="123" use a number to truncate the title by a number of words. If you have HTML included you will need to add 1 for each element since it will count an HTML element as a word.
autolink="yes" to convert plaintext URLs into anchor links
[when]The event start and end date and time. It intelligently determines what to display according to the event characteristics.-
[start-date]The event start date.format="j F Y" you can set a custom PHP date format
[start-time]The event start time.format="g:i a" you can set a custom PHP time format
[start-human]The event start date and time in friendlier format (example: "2 days ago"). -
[end-date]The event date date.format="j F Y" you can set a custom PHP date format
[end-time]The event end date.format="g:i a" you can set a custom PHP time format
[end-human]The event end date and time in friendlier format (example: "2 days ago"). -
[duration]The duration of an event, from start to end, in a friendly format (e.g. '3 days' or '1 hour').-
[location]An alias of [start-location] tag.-
[start-location]The location where the event starts.-
[start-location-link]Link Text[/start-location-link]Creates a link to a Google Map pointing to the event start location position.newwindow="yes" to open the link in a new browser tab or window
[end-location]The location where the events end (it may or may not coincide with the start location).-
[end-location-link]Link Text[/end-location-link]Creates a link to a Google Map pointing to the event end location position.newwindow="yes" to open the link in a new browser tab or window
[link]Link Text[/link]Creates a link pointing to the event original entry.newwindow="yes" to open the link in a new browser tab or window
[add-to-gcal-link]Link Text[/add-to-gcal-link]Creates a link to a new event that the site visitor can add to their own Google calendar.newwindow="yes" to open the link in a new browser tab or window
[url]The URL address of the event original entry.-
[id]The event unique id (UID).-
[ical-id]The event id (UID) in iCalendar format.
[calendar]The title of the original source of the event. For example, a Google Calendar title.-
[calendar-id]The calendar id.-

Additionally, Simple Calendar event template support also conditional tags. To use conditional tags, wrap some content or other content tags (see above) between conditional tags block, like so: [if-today]Your custom content here [description][/if-today]. This will print the description and some text only if the event is happening today.

Tag usageCondition
[if-title][/if-title]If the event has a title.
[if-description][/if-description]If the event has a description.
[if-now][/if-now]If the event is taking place now.
[if-not-now][/if-not-now]If the event is not taking place now (may have ended or just not started yet).
[if-started][/if-started]If the event has started (and may as well as ended).
[if-not-started][/if-not-started]If the event has not started yet (event could be any time in the future).
[if-ended][/if-ended]If the event has ended (event could be any time in the past).
[if-not-ended][/if-not-ended]If the event has not ended (may as well as not started yet).
[if-whole-day][/if-whole-day]If the event lasts the whole day.
[if-not-whole-day][/if-not-whole-day]If the event does not last the whole day.
[if-today][/if-today]If the event takes place today.
[if-not-today][/if-not-today]If the event does not take place today.
[if-end-time][/if-end-time]If the event has a set end time.
[if-no-end-time][/if-no-end-time]If the event has not set end time.
[if-multi-day][/if-multi-day]If the event spans multiple days.
[if-single-day][/if-single-day]If the event does not span multiple days.
[if-recurring][/if-recurring]If the event is a recurring event.
[if-not-recurring][/if-not-recurring]If the event is not a recurring event.
[if-start-location][/if-start-location]If the event has a start location.
[if-not-start-location][/if-not-start-location]If the event does not have a start location.

Additional event template tags provided in the Google Calendar Pro add-on:

Tag usageOutputOptional attributes
[attachments]A list of the event's attachments, if any.-
[attendees]A list of the event's attendees/participants.photo="hide" if you want to hide the attendees avatars.
email="show" to link the attendee name to his/her email.
rsvp="show" to show the RSVP response status of an attendee.
response="yes" to filter attendees by response (yes/no/maybe).
[organizer]Information about the event organizer.photo="hide" if you want to hide the organizer avatar and only show the name.
email="show" to link the organizer name to his/her email.

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