Authentication via Simple Calendar

Authentication via Simple Calendar is easy as compared to the manual Google Authentication process. Previously we had the OAuth Helper addon but you now do not need to install the addon as it is already integrated into Simple Calendar plugin. If you hence had the addon installed ensure that you first disable it. In order […]

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OAuth Helper Addon

The OAuth helper addon is a paid addon that can be purchased from here: . It provides a simplified authentication process with Google Oauth instead of carrying out the cumbersome Google authentication process here. Some of the advantages that the addon provides include: It save you time required in carrying out the lengthy Google authentication […]

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How to book an appointmentment

In order to book an appointment, you will need to first preview the calendar you created here on the front-end. Within the calendar you will have a similar display to the screenshot below: In the above illustration, the dates with a background are the dates that are available for bookings. No bookings can be made […]

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Book Appointment Setup

In order to utilize the Simple Calendar – Book Appointment addon, you will need to carry out the following: Ensure that you first properly Configure your  Google OAuth Client details as outlined here: GCal Pro – How to Properly Configure the Google OAuth Client . Navigate to the Calendars > Add New section within your WordPress […]

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Simple Calendar – Book Appointment

The Simple Calendar – Book Appointment plugin enables you to setup a calendar within your website, from where your site users can book an appointment. It allows you to set days when you are available and also add your desired time slot gaps. In order to utilize the Simple Calendar – Book Appointment, you will […]

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How to fix Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch

The Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch is an error that can likely occur during the generation of the Google Authentication code if OAuth settings are not properly configured.     This error signifies that your app is not set to a “Desktop Application” which is actually the requirement while configuring OAuth details as per step 10 within […]

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How to download purchased plugins

Upon purchasing of the simple Calendar addons, there are various approaches that you can use to download the addons. These include: 1. From the Purchase Confirmation Page This scenario is applicable during the purchase journey. Upon completion of the purchase, you will be redirected to the purchase confirmation page. Within this page, you can have […]

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How to properly re-authorize your app

There are cases where you are required to re-authorize your app. Some of these cases include: – If you had disabled the Google Calendar Pro Add-on – If there are changes to credentials in your Google Cloud Console In order to hence re-authorize your app, you will need to carry out the following: 1. Navigate […]

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How to resolve Error 400: invalid_request

While setting up your Google OAuth client and clicking on the “Authenticate with Google” button in order to fill in your issued Google Authentication Code within the “Authentication Code” field, you may encounter the error “Error 400: invalid_request”. Below is sample display of this error: In order to resolve this error, you will need to […]

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Adding Support For Multiple Languages in Calendar Display Settings

While using the Full Calendar calendar type, only one language is rendered within the “Display Language” field as seen here: This would in turn mean that the calendar will only be displayed in this one language. You may however wish to display the calendar in another language. In order to achieve this, you will need […]

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